Monday, February 12, 2007

"Ellen West" -Frank Bidart

"Ellen West" is an interesting poem because it illustrates the life of a woman who could never satisfy herself. She is characterized by an eating disorder, which is really an isolating mental disorder and she feels as though she is a constant disappointment. She sees her “true self” as being thin, blond, and elegant. She refuses to give up her ideal, despite what the doctors say, and continuously sets herself up for failure in doing so. When I was a teenager, I used to despise my body. My problem was that I was too thin, and people my age actually teased me about it. Years later, I still find myself wishing I looked differently, but this feeling is only fleeting. I’ve finally come to terms with who I am, and even if I suddenly gained 20 pounds I’d still be the same person. Fixating on your appearance can only detract from your ultimate happiness.

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